Sunday, 7 April 2024


Being asked to do a guest spot anywhere always makes me feel honoured. Doing a guest spot with one of your closest friends is nothing short of a pleasure 
Tattooing has changes a lot in 2024, in all directions. One change I do love, is people taking what a tattoo studio means and trying to propose something that improves the tattoo experience. Shadow works is one of these spaces.
There is truly nothing quite like it and I'm so glad it exists.
“Safe space” is a phrase that is thrown around a lot when it comes to describing new tattoo studios, however none I have seen have gone so far and done the work it takes to make a space feel truly safe for all. Shadow works isn’t just saying “we are a safe space!!!” It’s making a truly safe space for all and then backing it up with action.
This is a really important space that I know will help carve out a community in tattooing and I'm so excited to watch this place change how we view a tattoo space.

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