WE ARE MOUNTAIN MOVERS!!! that's how I'm feeling right now. there most be something in the water because it feels like everybody's is trying to make things happen,its all kindsa amazing. so when i got a massage from my buddy Gordon about his zineswap show i knew i was in for something special and i wasn't disappointed.
(if you you don't know about zineswap... get to know!!! in a nut shell zineswap acts as a small distribution company for D.I.Y. publishers to other publishers and also collects and archives the zines and makes them available to whoever is interested.
the idea is so simple! and that why these guys are geniuses!! fact!!!
you send them two copy's of your zine and you will receive another in the mail! simple!)
make time to head down to the orange dot gallery and you will be blown away by the shear volume of and diversity of publication. i wont lie just because some one thinks its a good idea to make a zine don't mean its going to be good however there are some truly amazing books in the collection, i really had to resist the temptation to five finger discount a couple of zines.
but above all the reason i love this so much is when you see people doing something so massively relevant and important to there community and there doing it because they love it, not for credit or profit you can't help but get behind it. if we watch from a distance a good idea can only get so far. if we all get behind it we can move mountains!!!
the orange dot - 54 tavistock place - bloomsbury - wc1 H5pu
keep your eyes open for a "gunk" tattoo based zine being put out by my buddys Gordon and lewis its going to be the shit!!!