yep yep yep I'm back at it again the there is news...i say news.
if you know me you know I'm a south London boy through and through, in face if you cut my bones in half it would read south through it like a stick of rock... however if my mother comes looking for my bones tell her there resting in north London.
That's right I've packed my life into boxes, shut down my lab and relocated to the north. it was a combination of my growing hate-rid of my three hour round trip (on a good day) to work, my lees being up on my flat and a little wanderlust. that made me want to move up and away.
my relocation has been a big part of the reason everything on planet me has kinda ground to a Holt. but I'm good now, and set to get back to the grind and hit it hard. so if your one of the people waiting for a drawing from me I'm sorry I've taken so long but I'm lit up again and it's coming and thank you for being patient.
... if your one of my north people hit me up I'm about, lets hang out and make things happen... and if your in the dirty south, I've got all kindsa things kicking off down there so if you want to see my face you can.
Lord Montana-Blue