Friday 14 August 2009


Kings cross really changes when the sun go's down, if you've been there you'll know its not a Paradise when the sun is out but when it go's down it looses its mind.
i walked passed three crying people on my way to the train, and when i got on the train there was a crying girl on in the carriage opposite, i couldn't let her cry on her own so i went over two seconds into the conversation i realised three

1) this lady in super drunk

2) i can not connect with her problem

3) there is nothing i can say to make her feel better, and she's not really listening.

but i let her talk at me till me stop came. all i got from the conversation is her boyfriend is...(i kinda switched off) and London can be a dark place

I'll i have to say about that is what i said to the girl, don't loose heart everything feels better in the cold light of day

lonley london

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