Thursday 7 August 2008

Montana Blue as a toy

the scripting the middle of the back was tattooed by Nikole Lowe and this guy had two tattoo my Matt "my mentor" Difa to London tattooists i greatly respect of putting a tattoo on someone with such nice graph tattoo was was daunting to say the least but I'm happy with the result. and the gut who now wears the tattoos was a super nice guy. which all adds up the a double thumber of a day.

Monday 4 August 2008

i made this

in my misson to cut out time suckers like t.v and its kin i find i have way more time to be doing worth while things when i'm not sitting there being told what to buy, where to eat and how to live... i used some of that timw to paint this. who said black is king!!!

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